Lander, here's a quote from your post:
"Still, America is based on free speech, and poll information is clearly a subset of free speech - thus, I do not agree with your implicit message that they need to be controlled to "purify politics.""
First, I didn't say, nor did I imply that polsters need to be controlled to "purify politics" - What I did say is, given the opportunity, I'll lie to any polsters so that the outcome is skewed, and of no value to any politicians. My reason is that most polls ultimate provide no value to the citizen.
On electiopn day polls have actually harmed the electorate by discouraging west coast voters from going to the polls in some national elections where the outcome was already determined by the polsters. I consider every vote to be the most valuable assett a citizen can have - and no vote should be discouraged or go to waste.
In my opinion, polls, by their nature and by their certainty, can actually harm the electorate by discouraging a voter.
I can't state the following factually, but I do believe it could have happened; In the last presidential election, some Gore voters might not have gone to the Florida polls after polsters said that Gore had a lead in the polls and would win Florida. Gore could be the President today.
Again, I ascert that polsters are harmful to the electorate, and given the chance, I would lie to them to skew the outcome of their poll.